The Kuruwitu area is special because there are very few places along the East African coastline that are still relatively undeveloped. The area is unique in the way mammals and birdlife have a direct relationship with the marine life. The mammals that dwell in the forest have direct access to the beach that shares its shores with the community, as it has for hundreds of years. The area has long sandy beaches, coral reefs, lagoons, ancient indigenous forests, caves, mangrove swamps and ruins over 400 years old.

The lagoons between the beach and the reef are the home and breeding areas to a diversity of fish, mollusks and crustaceans. The ‘malango’ areas are lined with sea grass and provide important breeding grounds for the ocean going fish and turtles. The beaches are important egg laying areas for turtles and leisure activities for the community. The ancient forests and mangrove swamps are home to mammals endemic to the coast like Bush babies, Sykes, blue and Vervet monkeys as well as baboons, Sunis, monitor lizards, hedgehogs, owls and genet cats to name a few.

Kuruwitu boasts pristine white beaches, crystal blue water and a superb underwater marine world to explore. In addition, Kuruwitu’s traditional folklore and in the warmth of its people ensure an unforgettable experience.

No visitor can resist the instinctive charm of Kuruwitu, its serenity and humanity, the raw enchantment of its nature and appealing way of life. The contrasted topography of the Kuruwitu-Vipingo area juxtaposes the eye-catching scenery of the sisal plantations, the coastal plains, and images of fishermen’s sail boats gliding atop the Indian Ocean. Contrast persists also between the busy Mombasa-Malindi road, the village town of Shariani and the peaceful ambience of the Giriama villages.

There are many activities for visitors including:

Did you know that this is the first and only community owned and managed Marine Park in Kenya? Welcome to this unforgettable and one-of-a-kind community initiative.

Have you ever seen an octopus camouflage itself to look like coral then come alive? How about a porcupine fish puff up to 3 or 4 times its original size? Among other marvelous experiences to explore in this conserved marine world. Our tour guides are knowledgeable about the diverse types of marine life existing in the conservation area, so feel free to ask them any questions.

We also have a 20 minute boat ride within the conservation area.

Deep Sea Tours, Deep Sea fishing, Glass Bottom Boat trips, Snorkeling and Dolphin/Whale Watching Tours
Excitement above the water comes along with the experience of deep sea tourist activities. Just one kilometer beyond the reef, the ocean drops to 100 meters. Dolphin tours are best done between December and February since dolphins are spotted mostly within that time frame.

Bush excursions and Village tours
With the services of our trained local tour guides, we offer village tours. During the bush excursions, be sure to spot mammals endemic to the coast like Bush babies, Sykes, blue and Vervet monkeys as well as baboons, Sunnis, monitor lizards, hedgehogs, owls and genet cats to name a few. You can visit each of our landing sites, villages, bird watching and enjoy the long hikes.

Call the office or one of our guides directly to book.