Pictures of the Community
Species list
- Common Lionfish
- Racoon butterflyfish
- Featherstar
- Giant Clam
- Porcupine fish
- Peacock grouper
- Stonefish
- Brown barred Goby
- redfin butterflyfish
- Yellow Boxfish
- Beaded starfish
- Clearfin lionfish
- Pencil Urchin
- Striped catfish
- Peppered Moray
- Urchin
- Beaded starfish
- Honeycomb grouper
- Nudibranc
- Indo pacific damsel
- Moorish idol
- Chrismas tree worm
- Hermit with anemone
- Damselfish
- Thorny starfish
- Bubble raft shell
- Rabbitfish
- Goby
- Anemone shrimp
- Oriental sweetlips
- Clown sand wrasse
- Crown squirrelfish
- Black blotched porcupine fish
- Picasso triggerfish
- Giant Clam
- Cushion star
- Bluestripe pipefish
- Knob edged anemone
- Slug
- Octopus
- Starfish
- Blue green damsel
- Leopard blenny
- Black damsel (juvenile)
- Floral moray
- Blue barred parrotfish
- Floral wrasse
- White spotted puffer
- Gracefull lizardfish
- Tiger cowrie
- Humbug dacyilus
- Seagrass parrotfish
- Feathersatr
- Yellowstripe goatfish
- Cleaner shrimp
- Blackspotted puffer
- Clearfin lionfish
- Thorny starfish
- Pearl Goby
General pictures of the Kuruwitu Area