The KCWA are in the final stages towards launching the first legalised Co-Managed Area Area (CMA) that covers the area that falls under the jurisdiction of the Kuruwitu Beach Management Unit (KBMU)
The KBMU and the KCWA have been mandated to manage an area covering 12 km sq of coast between Bureni and Mwanamia that will make up the CMA. We are following plans and timelines set out in the CMA Management plan.
The project represents an evolving conservation area that will develop conservation projects designed to sustain local fisheries and safeguard marine and coastal biodiversity whilst improving livelihoods and creating alternative sustainable income generating initiatives. Working with other stakeholders we have zoned the specified area to include spawning areas, marine protected areas, restricted gear use areas, coral gardening, and turtle protection sites.
We have a range of projects that we are currently developing, some which focus more on the environmental protection, and others which aim to either reduce the dependence on fishing and establish alternative sustainable livelihoods. Everything we are doing is designed to maximise revenue from the CMA and improve community livelihoods through management of marine resources. The increased area allocated by the Kenya Fisheries offers both opportunities and challenges. Whilst all our efforts are designed to be sustainable in the future we need support to initiate them. We are actively searching for outside donors to help us with this. KCWA continue to pioneer conservation in the region and will continue to do so. We have initiated much needed change in marine conservation ledgislation in the region to benefit the local fishing community.